Search Traffic Estimator

The Search Traffic Estimator tells you how much visitors a web page should be getting for each position in the SERPS. This will help you identify the pages on your site with the best opportunities to increase clicks.

How to get total expected clicks for the top 10 organic search results listings

The Search Traffic Estimator provides search volume click share totals for the top ten SERP positions on Search Engines.

example of search results

It will take any amount of search impressions and gives you a highly accurate range of total clicks your web page can expect if ranked for the position selected.

The traffic estimator only provides data on organic search results.

You can use this tool for four primary purposes;

  1. SERP listing quality improvements.
  2. Click-through-rate increase
  3. Keyword relevancy optimization
  4. Competitive Analysis

And I will explain how this tool can help in these areas.

How the search traffic estimator helps you get more traffic

Do you ever wonder how much clicks your site should be getting with that first-page ranking?

That’s a great insight in itself, but what if I told you the listing above yours is getting double the clicks your website gets and making double the money?

It could be a gap of thousands of clicks. That would represent a lot of money being lost to a competitor.

How your competition gets double the traffic

search traffic difference

Let’s take a look at this image above. The listing in the second place may be getting a third of the traffic the first listing is getting. With just a little bit of optimization, the second listing can beat the first and take the top spot.

How to beat your competition in the SERPs

By using our keyword estimator to find search share totals, you may be motivated to improve your listing to better outrank or outperform your competitors, especially when their site is getting twice or three times as much traffic as yours, but their position is only one place above yours.

Your competition is using tools as well. They are looking at each search phrase their site is ranking for, and looking for weaknesses in the listings above theirs that they can exploit.

These weaknesses could be a low backlink profile, none relevant keywords in titles and meta descriptions, low quality user experience, short content, low social shares, and low CTR due to poor quality Copy in the Titles.

Use the traffic estimator to know when to update SERP copy quality

One immediate benefit I found right after building the Search Traffic Estimator is the ability to refine SERP listing copy quality.

The listings you have in the SERPS must be studied carefully. This is also true for other micro-posts on the web like on Facebook. Their structure and content are critical to success online.

How you can improve SERP listing copy quality

For example, if your site has a position on page one, but the total clicks your webpage gets is below this tools range for that position, perhaps you can improve the quality of the listing for higher amounts of clicks.

You are not trying to improve the ranking necessarily, you are trying to get the most attention, and “hog” the clicks.

over performing serp listing example

As you can see in the snapshot above, this listing is over performing for its position – it is getting a higher click-through rate than is normally expected for position number 8.

Now Google has implemented AI to handle their search rankings, and when a site gets that much clicks, it pushes that link higher. Because a high CTR shows them that this listing matches exactly what the searcher is looking for.

This proves you do not need to be number one to get the highest CTR on the search results page.

Again, if your website is not getting the clicks you expect, it could be due to poor performing titles and descriptions.

How to craft a better search result listing to boost CTR

It’s not enough to say “improve your listing”.  Most people do that. I would never feel satisfied if I didn’t help you in every way I can.

So I will break down the details of high-quality listings. This should help you realize the simplicity of outperforming your competitors.

It starts with your title or primary headline. This is the first thing anyone sees when doing a search.

Targeting via exact or almost exact match search terms.

The headline must include the exact phrase/words or even closely related synonyms of the search query.

It’s a mental trigger that is activated when the searcher sees the exact words used in their search, they become impulsive and quickly click the listing.

Our eyes are very strong, and we can scan a page almost instantly looking for matches to our query. If your headline is the first they notice that includes their exact phrase – all else being ok with the listing – they will click it without hesitation.

SERP showing exact term matching

As you can clearly see from the example above, the 2nd listing uses three main words in the actual query: headache, children, and causes.

The 2nd listing is so well targeted Google made it their featured snippet.

Also, notice that both first and second listing descriptions literally gives the answer, but the 2nd probably gets more clicks, and gets more google love as a featured snippet because it’s title is closer to the exact words used.

Try to use the exact term (or very close variations) both in the title and description for best results.

I must admit, this is not the best example. I could not find one that demonstrated this concept using the exact phrase in the exact order written either fully or partially with my brief research.

Targeting via Emotional impact.

Using a passive voice that is emotionally flat does not stimulate anyone to take action.

Your job is to shake them up. The minute their eyes land on your SERP listing, it should trigger their emotions.

I often use a headline analyzer to determine the emotional impact of my headlines.

According to the Advance Marketing Institute, the emotional words you want to include in your titles should be intellectual, empathetic, and spiritual.

Here is their quick breakdown of these three types of factors.

factors for better search titles

Some examples of high emotional impact words/phrases include “quality”, “help”, “unbelievable”, “incredible”, “saving”, “motivate”.

Optimizing the keywords in your SERP listing to improve relevancy

Another very powerful benefit is the ability to shape more relevant SERP listings. This will help you achieve an even higher ranking.

The final benefit is in Market Research. If you’re reviewing search terms to target, but you’re not sure how the clicks will be distributed, this tool can help.

How to determine if it’s worthwhile to optimize for a keyword or phrase

Use our traffic estimator to determine how worthwhile it is to optimize for a particular word or position.

To elaborate on this and help you further with keyword research let me break some points down about keywords in general.

We all came to search the same way, using one or two words, but eventually search phrases turned into whole sentences. This was great because it provided more context to search engines about the searchers intent.

Today there are plenty of variations on search phrases, related terms, and synonyms that you can use in your title and description to target one word, or a set of words.

The core term or phrase must also be used in both the title and the description, and also in the body of the page you are trying to rank for.

But here’s the thing with this;

Where the most insight on search volume can be found

When you first publish a page, you may not realize which is the most beneficial to be ranked for. You may cast a somewhat wide net at first, of course always trying to focus on one or two terms.

After achieving rankings, use the Search Console or other tool to find out which exact term is getting the most traffic that you are also ranked for. This does not have to be a first page ranking, but anything better than page 5 is a good start.

Remember you are particularly looking for words that have high volume where your site is ranked low. These are the gems. With just a little work, these types of pages or posts can easily ascend to the top of page one.

Another thing you must understand is Search Intent.

What are search intents?

There are three primary search intents people have and they are transactional, informational, navigational.

You as a business owner will have different uses for different types of traffic. If you are a brand, Navigational traffic in many cases will be useful to you.

If you are a blog or Attorney for example you may go after Informational searches that eventually pull leads into your sales funnel.

And if you are an eCommerce store, you will probably need more ready to buy customers.

Regardless of what type of traffic you need, most businesses could use all three types.

How to use the search traffic estimator

Input your chosen keyword volume, then click one of the position numbers. This tool will then provide a range of total expected clicks based on the position you have selected.

How to verify the accuracy of the traffic estimates

So, let me tell you about one way to test the traffic estimator.

If you already have an established site that gets organic traffic, and you have a Search Console (GSC) account, you can test this very easily. From the GSC Dashboard, click the Performance tab from the left menu and slide down to the Queries list.

Slide back up and click the Export button in the top right. After exporting the queries, open the exported file and look at keywords (search phrases) ranked between 1-10. Note the impressions GSC is claiming these words received over the last 30 days. Input the search volume (impressions) you would like to verify into our tools Volume field.

Now click on a ranking position that GSC claims your word is averaging. Compare the click share our tool estimates to the clicks GSC is claiming your website received.

How to interpret the verification results

So now you have the total clicks received for a specific keyword (totals could be delayed based on software used, especially GSC) and the expected range our tool provides.

If you are below our tool’s low number, this may indicate that your page has a poor SERP listing for said keyword. The opposite MAY be true if you are above our tools range.

Other factors may influence the amount of click your site receives. One may be particular search volume for the month in question.


The accuracy of this tool is not guaranteed. The information used to calculate these figures are based on our research and 3rd party research. Refinement of the tool will be ongoing to ensure a high accuracy rating.